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Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Aug 14, 2020
Operating Agreements: Why Your Single-Member LLC Should Have One
In this video, Attorney Alexia Dominguez discusses operating agreements and why even a single-member LLC can benefit from having one. If...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Aug 12, 2020
Separation in the time of COVID-19
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith discusses separation and the divorce process during this time of the COVID-19 pandemic. If you...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 13, 2020
Equitable Distribution in North Carolina
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith discusses the equitable distribution process in North Carolina. #familylaw #divorce...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 13, 2020
Representative Payees: What They Can't Do
In this video, we discuss a few things representative payees cannot do.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 3, 2020
What Happens To My Business If I Go Through Divorce?
In this video, attorney Alexia Dominguez goes over common scenarios that business owners go through when they go through a divorce.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Alimony and Prenuptial Agreements
In this video, attorney Alexia Dominguez discusses prenup agreements and how you can address alimony before marriage.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
What You Should Know About Alimony
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over alimony.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Representative Payees
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over representative payees, what they are and what they can do.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Operating and Buy-sell Agreements: Setting Up Your Business for Success
In this video, attorney Alexia Dominguez goes over how to prepare your business for success by having in place secure buy-sell,...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Estate Planning Fails That You Can Avoid
In this video, Attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over estate planning mistakes that you can easily avoid when drafting your will, trust and...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Modifying a Child Support Order
In this video, attorney Alexia Dominguez goes over the factors that go into determining whether a child support order may be modified by...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
What You Should Know About Child Support in North Carolina
In this video, Attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over the essentials of child support that you should know if you are in North Carolina.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
What is a Trust?
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over what a trust is and what you can do to make this a part of your estate plan.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Guardianship v. Power of Attorney
In this video, Attorney Ayeshinaye Smith discusses guardianships and a power of attorney and the differences between them to help you...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Be Prepared for Unexpected Health Issues (and Pandemics)
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over preparedness and what you can do to have peace of mind during crisis.

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Why an Estate Plan is Essential
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over estate plans and why they are essential. If you want to get started with your estate,...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
How to Legally Change Your Name
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over the process to legally change your name. If you would like more information or need...

Smith Dominguez, PLLC
Jul 2, 2020
Three Types of Child Custody
In this video, attorney Ayeshinaye Smith goes over three types of child custody that you might come across.
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